1. Abase: Choose the correct meaning.
2. Abash: Choose the correct meaning.
3. Abjure: Choose the correct meaning.
4. Ablution: Choose the correct meaning.
5. Abnegate: Choose the correct meaning.
6. Abominate: Choose the correct meaning.
7. Abrogate: Choose the correct meaning.
8. Abscond: Choose the correct meaning.
9. Abstemious: Choose the correct meaning.
10. Accede: Choose the correct meaning.
11. Accentuate: Choose the correct meaning.
12. Acclimate: Choose the correct meaning.
13. Accolade: Choose the correct meaning.
14. Accost: Choose the correct meaning.
15. Acerbic: Choose the correct meaning.
16. Acquiesce: Choose the correct meaning.
17. Acrimonious: Choose the correct meaning.
18. Acumen: Choose the correct meaning.
19. Adamant: Choose the correct meaning.
20. Adduce: Choose the correct meaning.